Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Wheeling and Dealing

Today I sold Dagoberto for 110k + 30% of profit from next sale (which could realistically double the fee).

This got me thinking, I'm spending a lot of time buying and selling players. Have I made any money?

Turns out I have.
I have bought 44 players
Sold 16 players
16 sales = total profit of 740k
6 in-coming sell on clauses
only 1 out-going sell on clause (but it's 35% on a world class player)
2 active auctions close tomorrow. @current bid will add 207k to profit (expect to get to 350k profit minimum) and two in-coming sell on clauses @11% & 14%. This would be 1 million pounds profit plus 8 future income producing opportunities.

All that being said, I don't participate in ripping off newbies nor do I think I am that skillful in the "player to player" transfer negotiation skills. In fact, looking back I've overpaid and undersold FAR too many players for way too much $$$.

Instead, I've been successful due to a combination of recognizing which players are undervalued (both by players and the game) and by taking the time to find these deals in the wage auctions and approaching users one-by-one to sell their players.

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