Monday, December 8, 2008

A Little bit of the Awesomeness

I'm not going to recap everything that's happened with the team so far because that would take a long time, and I'm sure nobody cares. From time to time, however, I will posts little updates about Team Awesome FC which I'll refer to as "State of the Club Addresses". So without delay.....

State Of the Club Address December 8, 2008

The state of the club is horrible. Gonzalo Castro and Marco Zambelli, two starting players that can each play over five positions and serve as the core of our Defense and Midfield with supporting cast shuffling around them have been on the injured reserve list and out of duty. The talent and versatility they provide was sorely missed and we promptly destroyed our record.

Before the injuries we were ranked 63rd in Shearer, as I write this we are ranked 123rd (out of ~650 active clubs). I'm not going to publish our record of the last 48 hours because I'd have to count the 150 or matches by hand, but suffice to say it was less than stellar.

That being said, We Shall Prevail. Both Castro and Zambelli are back in action and we acquired a major new player, Xabi Alonso through a perhaps over-priced wage auction. (note, he has yet to play to his potential as this manager just realized that the "playmaker" skill had yet to be learned therefore rendering his skills useless. This has been remedied)

Victorious update to follow.

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